Age Reversal Restores Vision In Primate: Up Next - Humans
In the latest announcement on anti-aging and longevity, a primate was said to have its vision restored using age reversal. The next tests for this are going to be done on humans.
In the latest announcement on anti-aging and longevity, a primate was said to have its vision restored using age reversal. The next tests for this are going to be done on humans.
Living a long and healthy life doesn't have to be expensive. Here are the top 10 tips that futurist Ray Kurzweil, who apparently eats a 700 calorie diet, would give you if you were to ask him the top 10 cheapest ways to live a healthy life.
Craig Gibbons was diagnosed with Lyme disease in 2021 and was prescribed antibiotics to treat it. However, the medication failed to relieve one of his most debilitating symptoms: a lasting brain fog that made it difficult for him to focus or recall information. In search of a solution, he decided to try at-home brain stimulation using transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS).