brain machine interfaces right around the corner

Brain machine interfaces might be here sooner than you think. With devices like Neuralink and many others coming, what benefits will you get?


The field of engineering has usually been distinct and separate from biology and the study of neurology. With the advent of artificial intelligence and improved software along with the ability to read vast amounts of data comes an opportunity - where software, biology, and engineering meet.

A Transhuman is a human who has used technology to enhance their physical and mental form. Even our phones, which most people have today, are a step in the direction of transhumanism. Further steps may be taken with a device like Neuralink, which will allow you to walk if paralyzed and communicate with others telepathically, who have the device (I believe).

Another advent of bridging engineering and biology is the extension of life. This includes anti-aging and repairing damage to the body. This is something I've done before - I go to Tijuana, Mexico to get stem cells to help me combat Lyme Disease. I attribute these cutting edge technologies like stem cells to keeping my health up.

You might think that only the wealthy have access to such technology, but it is actually affordable even to the everyday person. A visit for a week of IVs, stem cells, and other regenerative medicine techniques cost me about $5,000 - for hotel, flights, and my visit to the clinic there.

Benefits of Brain Machine Interfaces

Some might argue that a device like Neuralink which gets implanted into your brain is dangerous. After all, what if you get infected or what if the surgery cuts into your blood vessels in your brain. There are risks with anything, of course, but if you watch this video on Neuralink, you'll see that they are taking every precaution to make it safe.

Having the benefit of a Neuralink that nobody can see would give you access to communicate with others you have the device. It might give you faster processing power in your brain. There is a fear that devices like this will create classes of humans - those who are enhanced and those who are not enhanced.

Being able to walk again after being paralyzed is one of the possible future benefits of a device like Neuralink. Imagine not being able to walk and having a simple surgery and then voilà, you are able to walk. Those who are disabled or elderly will benefit from brain to machine interfaces.

In fact, Steven Hawking, while afflicted with ALS, was still able to communicate using a computer and built in voice. He was able to (albeit slowly) tell the computer what to say through movements with his eyes.

What do you think about brain machine interfaces? Are they dangerous or beneficial?