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Why Java Is Good To Know For a Programmer

why java is good to know for a programmer

Java is a widely used programming language, and knowing how to use it is a valuable skill in today's world.

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Humanoid Robots - When Are They Coming?

humanoid robots when are they coming

When are humanoid robots going to be available to cook and clean for us? What other uses will they have? Let's take a look.

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Solar Energy Is the Answer For Humanity's Energy Needs

solar energy is the answer for humanitys energy needs

There is a giant ball of fire in the sky called the sun. This has the means to power our civilization over 100 times over.

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Being a Senior Software Engineer - What Does It Take?

being a senior software engineer what does it take

Senior software engineers are experienced software developers who have achieved a high level of expertise in their field. They are responsible for designing, developing, testing, and maintaining software applications and systems. In this article, we will explore the skills, education, and experience required to become a senior software engineer.

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Human Lifespans - What Will Lengthen Them In the Future?

human lifespans what will lengthen them in the future

Humans are living longer than ever, and that is increasing in most parts of the world. What contributes to living longer and what will extend our lives in the future?

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Microsoft to Support Windows 11 Running on MacBook Pro M1 Processor with Parallels

microsoft to support windows 11 running on macbook pro m1 processor with parallels

Microsoft has announced a new way to run Windows 11 on ARM-based Macs, however, there are some limitations to this approach. In this support article, Microsoft has authorized the use of Parallels Desktop 18 to run the ARM versions of Windows 11 Pro and Enterprise on M1 and M2-based Macs.

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How Long Should Your Laptop Last?

how long should your laptop last

A laptop is an essential tool today, and if you're wondering how long it should last, we have an answer!

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Cost of Battery Packs Over Time - Using a 60 kWh Battery Pack as an Example

cost of battery packs over time using a 60 kwh battery pack as an example

Battery packs are still very expensive - however, costs are coming down and by the end of the decade, it will most likely cost just a couple of thousand dollars to replace the battery pack on your EV (electric vehicle).

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Energy, Voltage, and Amps - the Critical Need to Understand Energy and Electricity in the Electrification Age

energy voltage and amps the critical need to understand energy and electricity in the electrification age

Understanding energy, voltage, and amps is critical to understand electricity and the batteries we all use - and will be using in the future.

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Docusign Laying Off 10% of Employees

docusign laying off 10 of employees

DocuSign, a leading e-signature software company, has announced that it will be cutting around 10% of its workforce, affecting approximately 700 employees.

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Insane Future Tech Weapons

insane future tech weapons

This video on YouTube goes through 15 insane future tech weapons. Not all will see mass production but they are still interesting to learn about.

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Responsible Use of AI in the Military

responsible use of ai in the military

With AI getting a lot of attention these days, the nations of the world have urged caution and responsibility with using AI in the military. We are not at Terminator levels of scariness (yet) and hopefully with some common sense we never will be.

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3D Printing Organs - Longevity and Saving Lives

3d printing organs longevity and saving lives

3D printing of organs is going to continue to advance and offer longevity and the saving of lives for human beings.

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Viral Infections - How to Stop Them or Lessen the Impact

viral infections how to stop them or lessen the impact

Viral infections are among the most common illnesses that humans experience. They are caused by a variety of viruses that can affect different parts of the body, leading to a range of symptoms. Let's explore the nature of viral infections, the factors that contribute to their spread, and the strategies that can be used to prevent and treat these infections.

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Rising Sea Levels Are a Threat - Here Are the Solutions

rising sea levels are a threat here are the solutions

Rising sea levels are a threat - especially to coastal cities. There are solutions, however, and we'll go over them now.

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The speed and quality of the new Bing are beyond my expectations

the speed and quality of the new bing are beyond my expectations

Microsoft's new AI-powered Bing has been available to a small portion of the public for about a week now. In this article, we provide early thoughts on New Bing, details on how to get early access, its speed compared to ChatGPT, first-hand experience with indexing speed, along with its ability to compete with Google.

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The Latest Advances in 3D Printing

the latest advances in 3d printing

3D printing has been around for a while, but some of the latest advances have been pretty monumental. Here's what they are.

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Solar Energy Is On a Tear - Exponential Growth

solar energy is on a tear exponential growth

Solar energy is on a tear and continues to grow exponentially ever since about 2009.

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Tech Industry's Ongoing Layoffs - Latest Updates and News

tech industrys ongoing layoffs latest updates and news

The US economy added over 500,000 jobs in January; however, tech industry workers are feeling the effects of the ongoing layoffs. Here are the latest updates and news.

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Scrum in Tech Companies Today - Order Out of Chaos?

scrum in tech companies today order out of chaos

Scrum is a tool that tech companies use to manage the work engineers do to write software. It's a way to organize things by project and to predict how long things will take to build. But, does it bring order out of the chaos?

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Is AI Going to Take Your Programming Job From You?

is ai going to take your programming job from you

You might wonder if AI is going to take your programming job from you. Let's take a realistic look at this.

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Understanding Digital Twins and Azure Cloud

understanding digital twins and azure cloud

Digital twins are virtual replicas of physical objects, systems, or processes. They are created by using advanced modeling techniques and real-time data from sensors, cameras, and other sources. This enables companies to simulate, analyze, and optimize the performance of real-world systems and assets.

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Robotics Has Come a Long Way Over the Last Few Decades

robotics has come a long way over the last few decades

Robotics has come a long way over the last few decades. Let's take a look at what has been going on.

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Walmart Forces Staff to Relocate In Order to Keep Jobs

walmart forces staff to relocate in order to keep jobs

Walmart has told hundreds of employees that they must relocate to keep their jobs, and is closing down multiple offices.

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Current and Future State of Artificial Intelligence (AI) - 2023 Edition

current and future state of artificial intelligence ai 2023 edition

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a rapidly growing field that has the potential to transform the way we live and work. In recent years, AI has made tremendous strides, from performing simple tasks such as voice recognition and image classification to more complex ones like autonomous driving and medical diagnosis. In this article, we'll take a look at some current advances in AI, and it's future potential.

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Another "UFO" shot down over Lake Huron

another ufo shot down over lake huron

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced on Saturday that an “unidentified object” was shot down by a US fighter jet in Canadian airspace, on his orders. Trudeau took to Twitter to confirm the take-down and stated that the object was shot down over the Yukon.

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What is the Future of the Phone?

what is the future of the phone

Where are phones going to go in the future? Will they get bigger or smaller? Will they have AI? Here's what we think.

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Genome Sequencing Costs Continue to Decline

genome sequencing costs continue to decline

The cost of human genome sequencing continues to decline. The first genome sequenced cost about $1 billion dollars. Now, it can be done for as little as $399. That's a 2.5 million increase in cost reduction over just about 20 years.

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Speech To Text Is Getting Pretty Amazing - And Easy To Use

speech to text is getting pretty amazing and easy to use

Speech to text is getting pretty amazing and is working very well - and it's EASY to use.

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AI Is Coming to your Google and Bing Search - How It Will Make Them Better

ai is coming to your google and bing search how it will make them better

AI is coming, and it's going to help power Bing and Google. Here's how it will help.

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Are Biometric Passwords Going To Become A Thing?

are biometric passwords going to become a thing

There is a company trying to make it so none of us have to use passwords again. I'm up for that, and let's see if they can do it!

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Zapping Your Brain - Does it Help with Mental Focus and Ability?

zapping your brain does it help with mental focus and ability

Craig Gibbons was diagnosed with Lyme disease in 2021 and was prescribed antibiotics to treat it. However, the medication failed to relieve one of his most debilitating symptoms: a lasting brain fog that made it difficult for him to focus or recall information. In search of a solution, he decided to try at-home brain stimulation using transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS).

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Yahoo Announces Huge Layoffs - 20% of Employees!

yahoo announces huge layoffs 20 of employees

Yahoo plans to lay off over 20% of its 8,600 workforce as part of a major restructuring effort. The company is reorganizing its advertising unit, which will lose over half of its employees by the end of the year. Nearly 1,000 employees will be affected by the cuts by the end of the week.

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An Analysis of Mobile Device Usage in 2023

an analysis of mobile device usage in 2023

In 2023, cell phones have become an integral part of daily life for people around the world. From making phone calls and sending messages to browsing the internet, cell phones have revolutionized the way people communicate and access information. With the rapid advancements in technology, the usage of cell phones has grown exponentially in recent years.

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Why Herpes Can Be Beneficial To Your Body's Immune System

why herpes can be beneficial to your bodys immune system

Herpes can be good for the immune system, some think, and here's why.

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Microsoft to Release ChatGPT For Other Companies To Use

microsoft to release chatgpt for other companies to use

Microsoft is opening up its ChatGPT technology for other companies to use for their own chatbots. Companies will be able to use their own branding. Microsoft is also incorporating this in their Bing and Edge products.

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A Brain Circuit Could Curtail Risky Behavior

a brain circuit could curtail risky behavior

There is a brain circuit being developed that could curtail risky behavior, reducing atrocities such as mass shootings. There is a catch - the circuit has to be put in the brain.

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Neurotechnology And The War For Your Brain

neurotechnology and the war for your brain

There is a media war with information happening right now for your brain and control of you. There is a war for your brain. Neuro rights are going to be a thing in the future.

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Google AI Bard Makes Serious Blunder, Crashing Alphabet (Google) Stock

google ai bard makes serious blunder crashing alphabet google stock

Google's parent company, Alphabet, is struggling to keep up with Microsoft in the AI chatbot field, but a costly blunder has put it on the back foot.

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Elon Musk tells Ukraine Starlink Off Limits for Drone Attacks

elon musk tells ukraine starlink off limits for drone attacks

SpaceX has taken steps to limit Ukraine's use of its satellite internet service Starlink for military purposes. The tech giant has provided thousands of Starlink dishes to Ukraine to help connect people to the internet after Russia closed down local services. However, reports indicate that Kyiv has been using the technology to control drones and target Russian positions, which goes against SpaceX's policies.

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Supercomputers are Doing a Quintillion Calculations a Second - How Much of an Improvement Is This?

supercomputers are doing a quintillion calculations a second how much of an improvement is this

Supercomputers are now doing quintillion calculations a second. This is a big improvement over time and is only going to continue.

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Largest Lithium Mine In The U.S. Stirs Controversy

largest lithium mine in the us stirs controversy

As part of the movement toward clean energy, there is a $2 billion Lithium mine at Thacker Pass in Nevada scheduled for work in the United States. It's drawing praise and ire at the same time.

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Twitter Experiences Service Issues - Told to Slow Down By Elon Musk

twitter experiences service issues told to slow down by elon musk

Twitter implemented a policy that will not let a user Tweet more than 2,400 times a day. However, many are reporting that they can't Tweet well below that number.

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Microsoft to Enable Firms to Develop Custom Variations of ChatGPT

microsoft to enable firms to develop custom variations of chatgpt

Microsoft is set to release technology that allows companies, schools, and governments to create their own chatbots similar to OpenAI's ChatGPT. The move is part of Microsoft's plan to capitalize on the recent popularity of ChatGPT, which has quickly become a hit with over 100 million monthly active users.

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Zoom Layoffs: 15% off Staff Impacted

zoom layoffs 15 off staff impacted

On Tuesday, February 7, 2023, Zoom announced it had laid off 15% of its workforce, affecting around 1,300 employees. The move comes as the world transitions to a post-pandemic reality.

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Lithium Air Electrode Batteries - A Doubling of Battery Power

lithium air electrode batteries a doubling of battery power

Lithium air electrode batteries are an interesting kind of battery. They have the potential to double battery power, life span, and a host of other things, but they are currently unproven. If they are able to be perfected, they could be the next stage of battery development.

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Microsoft Deploys ChatGPT Technology to Bing Search Engine

microsoft deploys chatgpt technology to bing search engine

Microsoft announced on Tuesday a revamp of its Bing search engine and Edge web browser powered by artificial intelligence (AI). The update comes weeks after Microsoft confirmed plans to invest billions in OpenAI, the company behind ChatGPT.

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Comcast Down Most of the Day in Utah, Salt Lake County: 2/7/2023

comcast down most of the day in utah salt lake county 272023

Comcast has a long outage going on right now, and it's been going on since about 2:00 PM MST here in Utah. It has continually pushed back the time to be resolved, and now it is 9:00 PM.

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Text to Speech Open Source - TTS

text to speech open source tts

We recently added text to speech capabilities using the open source project TTS.

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AI Hacking - Coming to a Computer Near You

ai hacking coming to a computer near you

AI and hacking are both increasing rapidly and most likely, both are going to be linked. AI will help with security and AI will also be used to exploit security loopholes.

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