the cost of living will continue to go up how much by 2040

The cost of living continues to go up, and it went up much faster the last few years. What will it cost to live in 2040, and how can you prepare?

As we look towards the future, many of us wonder what it will cost to live in 2040. It's important to be prepared and make adjustments to our lifestyle and finances to ensure a comfortable future.

Let's explore the potential average monthly costs of a car, a home, healthcare, food, and electricity and gas in 2040. We will also discuss what steps you can take to prepare for these costs.

Average Monthly Cost of a Car

In 2021, the average monthly cost of owning a car in the United States is around $725. This includes car payments, insurance, maintenance, and fuel costs. By 2040, we can expect several changes that could affect the cost of owning a car.

One significant change is the rise of electric vehicles (EVs). As battery technology improves, EVs are becoming more affordable and practical for everyday use. By 2040, it's possible that the majority of cars on the road will be electric. The cost of owning an EV is expected to be lower than that of a gas-powered car, due to lower maintenance and fuel costs.

Another potential factor that could affect the cost of owning a car in 2040 is the rise of autonomous vehicles. If self-driving cars become the norm, it's possible that people will rely more on ride-sharing services than on owning their own cars. This could lead to a decrease in the overall cost of transportation.

To prepare for the potential cost of owning a car in 2040, consider saving for a down payment on an electric or hybrid vehicle. Also, look into car-sharing services that may become more prevalent in the future.

Average Monthly Cost of a Home

The cost of housing is one of the biggest expenses for most people. In 2021, the median home price in the US is around $350,000, with the average monthly mortgage payment being around $1,200. By 2040, we can expect several changes that could affect the cost of housing.

One potential factor is population growth. By 2040, the US population is expected to reach around 400 million, up from around 330 million in 2021. This increase in demand for housing could lead to higher prices.

Another potential factor is the rise of smart homes. As technology improves, we can expect homes to become more automated and energy-efficient. This could lead to lower energy bills, but it's also possible that the initial cost of a smart home will be higher than that of a traditional home.

To prepare for the potential cost of housing in 2040, consider saving for a down payment on a home now. Also, think about investing in energy-efficient appliances and technology to help lower energy costs in the future.

Average Monthly Cost of Health Care

The cost of health care is a major concern for many people, especially in the United States. In 2021, the average monthly cost of health insurance for a family of four in the US is around $1,833. By 2040, we can expect several changes that could affect the cost of health care.

One potential factor is the rise of telemedicine. As technology improves, we can expect more health care services to be available remotely. This could lead to lower costs for routine check-ups and consultations.

Another potential factor is the aging population. As the baby boomer generation continues to age, there will be an increased demand for health care services. This could lead to higher costs.

To prepare for the potential cost of health care in 2040, consider investing in a health savings account (HSA) or a flexible spending account (FSA) now. These accounts allow you to save money for medical expenses tax-free.

Average Monthly Cost of Food

In 2021, the average monthly cost of food for a family of four in the US is around $880. By 2040, we can expect several changes that could affect the cost of food.

One potential factor is climate change. As temperatures rise and weather patterns become more extreme, it's possible that food production and distribution will be affected. This could lead to higher prices for certain foods.

Another potential factor is the rise of plant-based diets. As more people shift towards plant-based diets for health and environmental reasons, it's possible that the cost of certain animal-based products will increase.

To prepare for the potential cost of food in 2040, consider growing your own food or supporting local farmers. Also, think about shifting towards a more plant-based diet to potentially save money on food costs.

Average Monthly Cost of Electricity and Gas

The cost of electricity and gas is another major expense for most people. In 2021, the average monthly cost of electricity and gas for a household in the US is around $114. By 2040, we can expect several changes that could affect the cost of energy.

One potential factor is the rise of renewable energy. As technology improves, we can expect renewable energy sources like solar and wind power to become more prevalent. This could potentially lead to lower energy costs.

Another potential factor is the increasing demand for energy. As the population grows and technology becomes more advanced, we can expect a higher demand for energy. This could lead to higher prices.

To prepare for the potential cost of energy in 2040, consider investing in energy-efficient appliances and technology. Also, think about using renewable energy sources like solar or wind power if it's feasible for your location.


The potential cost of living in 2040 is something we should all be aware of and prepared for. While there are many factors that could affect the cost of living, we can take steps now to potentially mitigate some of these costs. By investing in energy-efficient appliances, shifting towards a more plant-based diet, and saving for a down payment on a home or an electric vehicle, we can potentially reduce our expenses and have a more comfortable future. It's important to stay informed and proactive in our approach to financial planning and lifestyle choices.

I think the best way to prepare is to increase your health, wealth, and earning potential. Spend time increasing all of these, and you will have a great chance at a long and prosperous life.