Tag: politics

politics (3)

Posts for tag politics

Coinbase Sues United States SEC for failing to provide Crypto Guidance and Regulation

coinbase sues united states sec for failing to provide crypto guidance and regulation

Coinbase, the largest cryptocurrency exchange in the United States, has sued the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for failing to provide regulatory clarity for the cryptocurrency industry.

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The U.S. Desperately Needs a Good Presidential Candidate: A.I. Could Eventually Be It

the us desperately needs a good presidential candidate ai could eventually be it

The U.S. is up for a presidential re-election soon and the two primary candidates, Donald Trump and Joe Biden, are the two primary front-runners for the position. The U.S. desperately needs a 3rd and better candidate.

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Instability in France as Pension Age Raised from 62 to 64

instability in france as pension age raised from 62 to 64

In the latest news in France, there are riots in the street and burning buildings because the age to take a pension has been raised from 62 to 64. This is causing people to riot. The move has been criticized by trade unions, political parties, and members of the public who argue that it unfairly targets workers and will leave many struggling to make ends meet.

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