air travel is getting increasingly safer

Flying is getting much safer. Soon, there will be near 0 plane crashes as software and other improvements reduce the number.

Flying is a remarkable human achievement, allowing us to travel faster and farther than ever before. However, safety has always been a major concern in aviation, and over the years, many improvements have been made to increase safety and reduce the risk of accidents. In recent years, technological advancements have played a significant role in making flying safer than ever before.

Let's explore some of the ways in which flying is getting safer and will get to near 0 crashes.

Safety from protocols

One of the most critical factors in improving aviation safety is the implementation of safety protocols. These protocols are the standardized procedures that pilots and aviation professionals follow to ensure that every flight is as safe as possible. For example, before every flight, pilots go through a checklist to make sure that all systems are functioning correctly, and all safety measures are in place. This includes checking the fuel, the engines, the avionics, and the safety equipment.

In addition, air traffic controllers use standardized protocols to ensure that all planes are safely separated and that pilots have the information they need to navigate through the airspace.

Safety from software

Another significant contributor to aviation safety is the use of software systems. Software plays a crucial role in managing the complex systems that keep planes in the air. For example, modern planes use advanced software systems to manage engine performance, fuel efficiency, and flight navigation. These systems are designed to detect and diagnose problems in real-time, providing pilots with critical information to make informed decisions.

Moreover, software systems like the Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) have been instrumental in preventing midair collisions. TCAS is a computer-based system that monitors the airspace around a plane and warns pilots of potential collisions with other planes. This system has saved countless lives by providing pilots with early warnings and instructions on how to avoid midair collisions.

Safety from better hardware

Another way in which flying is getting safer is through the use of better hardware. Modern planes are built using the latest technology, including more advanced engines, more efficient aerodynamics, and stronger materials. For example, the Boeing 787 Dreamliner uses composite materials in its construction, making it lighter and more fuel-efficient than other planes. This type of material also makes the plane more resistant to damage in case of an accident.

In addition, new safety features like the Emergency Vision Assurance System (EVAS) have been added to planes to help pilots navigate in case of a smoke-filled cockpit. EVAS uses a transparent material to create a clear bubble around the pilot's head, allowing them to see and fly the plane in case of an emergency.

Safety from materials used to make planes

The materials used to build planes have also contributed to increased safety. As mentioned, composite materials have made planes stronger and lighter, but they are also more resistant to corrosion and fatigue. Other materials, such as titanium, are used in critical components like the engine and landing gear, making them more durable and reliable.

Advances in metallurgy have also led to the development of alloys that are stronger, lighter, and more resistant to heat and wear.

Safety from better pilots

Finally, safety in aviation also depends on the skill and experience of the pilots. The aviation industry has recognized the importance of training and has implemented more rigorous training programs to ensure that pilots are better prepared to handle emergency situations. Simulators are used to replicate real-world scenarios, giving pilots the opportunity to practice their skills in a safe and controlled environment.

Moreover, airlines are implementing programs that focus on reducing fatigue and improving mental health, recognizing that pilots need to be in top condition to perform at their best.


Flying is getting safer, and the number of accidents has decreased significantly over the years. The use of safety protocols, software systems, better hardware, improved materials, and better-trained pilots have all contributed to this trend.

Do you think flying is getting safer?