bitcoin to 1 million according to former coinbase cto

In a bold prediction, the former CTO of Coinbase, Balaji S. Srinvasan, has predicted that the cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, will reach $1 million in 90 days, because of bank failures and the collapse of currency. Is he right?

These are the reasons I think he would say this. If the current banking system collapses, the U.S. dollar will become overinflated due to the large amount of money printing needed to bail out the banks. This will make the U.S. dollar not worth as much.

The U.S. dollar is the world's reserve currency and is used for international trade and as a store of value. However, there are concerns that the U.S. dollar may experience hyperinflation due to a variety of factors, including the collapse of the banking system and excessive money printing.

The collapse of the banking system can lead to a decrease in confidence in the U.S. dollar and a shift towards alternative currencies such as Bitcoin. Additionally, the Federal Reserve's monetary policies, including quantitative easing and low interest rates, may lead to inflation and a devaluation of the U.S. dollar.

Bitcoin, on the other hand, is a decentralized digital currency that operates independently of banks and governments. It is based on blockchain technology, which allows for secure and transparent transactions without the need for intermediaries. Bitcoin is also limited in supply, with only 21 million coins that will ever be mined, making it a deflationary currency.

Benefits of Bitcoin as a substitute currency

There are several benefits of using Bitcoin as a substitute currency in the event of a collapse of the banking system and hyperinflation. These include:

Decentralization: Bitcoin is not controlled by any central authority, making it resistant to government intervention and manipulation.

Security: Bitcoin transactions are secure and transparent, thanks to the blockchain technology that underpins the network.

Limited supply: Bitcoin is limited in supply, which means that it cannot be subject to inflationary pressures caused by excessive money printing.

Global acceptance: Bitcoin is accepted by merchants and businesses around the world, making it a viable alternative to fiat currencies.

Low transaction fees: Bitcoin transactions are typically faster and cheaper than traditional bank transfers or credit card transactions, making it an attractive option for those looking to save on fees.

Risks of Bitcoin as a substitute currency

While Bitcoin offers several benefits as a substitute currency, there are also risks associated with its use. These include:

Volatility: Bitcoin is known for its price volatility, which can lead to significant losses for investors.

Regulatory uncertainty: The regulatory environment around Bitcoin is still developing, which can lead to uncertainty for users and investors.

Security risks: While Bitcoin transactions are secure, there have been instances of theft and hacking on cryptocurrency exchanges and wallets.

Adoption risks: While Bitcoin is gaining acceptance around the world, it is still not as widely accepted as fiat currencies.


While the collapse of the banking system and hyperinflation may lead to a decrease in confidence in the U.S. dollar, it is important to approach any investment in Bitcoin with caution and conduct thorough research before making any decisions. While Bitcoin offers several benefits as a substitute currency, it also carries risks that investors should be aware of.

I think Bitcoin is a better alternative to the U.S. dollar or any currency due to it being disconnected from governments. It's not without its flaws, as it could be concentrated in the hands of the few - but that is how wealth is today. The top 1% of people own most of the wealth of the world.