deal for microsoft to buy blizzard activision is finally approved by the ec

The European Commission (EC) has approved Microsoft's proposed acquisition of Activision Blizzard, subject to certain conditions. The deal, which is valued at $68.7 billion, would make Microsoft the third-largest gaming company in the world.

Microsoft has made a lot of games in the past, including the Age of Empires games, as well as the Halo series. Having Blizzard Activision being part of Microsoft is going to make Microsoft the biggest gaming company of all-time.

Deal Approved

The EC said that it had approved the deal after Microsoft offered commitments to ensure that rival companies would have continued access to Activision Blizzard's games and services. These commitments include allowing users to stream Activision games on any cloud gaming platform and ensuring that Activision Blizzard's games are available on non-Microsoft platforms.

The approval of the deal by the EC is a major victory for Microsoft. The company has faced regulatory scrutiny in several countries, including the United States, the United Kingdom, and China. The approval of the deal by the EC is a sign that regulators are becoming more comfortable with large tech mergers.

What the Acquisition Means for the Gaming Industry

The acquisition of Activision Blizzard by Microsoft is a major shakeup for the gaming industry. The deal will give Microsoft a huge portfolio of popular games, including Call of Duty, World of Warcraft, and Candy Crush. This will make Microsoft a major player in the gaming industry, and it could lead to more consolidation in the sector.

The deal could also have implications for the way that games are distributed and played. Microsoft has been investing heavily in cloud gaming, and it could use the acquisition of Activision Blizzard to accelerate its cloud gaming ambitions. This could lead to a future where gamers can play games on any device, without having to own a console or gaming PC.

What the Acquisition Means for Consumers

The acquisition of Activision Blizzard by Microsoft could have both positive and negative implications for consumers. On the one hand, the deal could lead to more innovation in the gaming industry. Microsoft has a history of investing in new gaming technologies, and it could use the acquisition of Activision Blizzard to accelerate its innovation efforts. This could lead to new and better games for consumers.

On the other hand, the deal could also lead to higher prices for games. Microsoft is a major player in the console market, and it could use its market power to raise prices for games. This could make it more expensive for consumers to play games.

Overall, the acquisition of Activision Blizzard by Microsoft is a major event for the gaming industry. It is too early to say what the long-term implications of the deal will be for consumers, but it is clear that the deal will have a significant impact on the gaming landscape.