despire big tech layoffs cybersecurity is in strong demand

According to CyberSeek, there were about 750000 cyber-security job openings as of January 27, 2023.

In short, there is a massive shortage of cyber-security professionals. This is not unexpected. Many companies do not prioritize their cyber-security efforts. As more and more data breaches become common, this trend is likely to change.

Accfording to Info Security, data breaches rose by 70% in Q3 of 2022. This is a staggering increase and shows just how easy it is for companies to get hacked if they are not investing the time and money to secure their services and data.

From the site Statista we can see the trend over a longer period of time:

What should you do?

If you are starting out a tech career, you might consider becoming a cyber-security expert. Your options will likely be many in the years to come.

The average salary for a cyber-security position is 100K to 120K USD. This is well above national averages in the United States.

There are many options for college or other technical institutes to become proficient in cyber-security. You can also learn a lot just by using free online materials.