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Layoff Report and Roundup, March 2023

layoff report and roundup march 2023

Economic data released on Wednesday shed light on the current state of the labor market. Reports from ADP and the Bureau of Labor Statistics showed robust hiring at the beginning of the year. However, the BLS also reported that layoffs surged and job openings declined in January. These signs of a cool-off are concerning and indicate that the labor market may be losing momentum.

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Latent Virus, Frozen In Ice For Nearly 50,000 Years, Revived by Scientists

latent virus frozen in ice for nearly 50000 years revived by scientists

A virus, frozen in ice for nearly 50,000 years, was recovered and revived by scientists recently and this raises a number of questions about public health and safety.

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Twitter Thread Tries to get Elon Musk and AOC to Date

twitter thread tries to get elon musk and aoc to date

Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla, and AOC (Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez), a U.S. representative, have had quite a stir on Twitter over the last year. Lately, there are those trying to get these two together to date. Elon Musk said AOC wouldn't think he's cool enough.

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Where Will the S&P 500 Index Be in 2033?

where will the sp 500 index be in 2033

The S&P 500 Index is a benchmark for the health of the overall stock market. Historically, it has had positive returns. Will this continue, and where will it be in 10 years?

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Twitter Employee Asks Elon Musk if they have been Fired

twitter employee asks elon musk if they have been fired

Twitter employee Halli Thorleifsson asked Elon Musk if they had been fired when they opened their laptop one day seeing a gray lock screen.

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Microsoft Launches AI Incorporated Business Tool

microsoft launches ai incorporated business tool

Microsoft has released a version of AI called Business Incorporate, which uses AI to help businesses automate their mundane and monotonous tasks.

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Last Pass Was Hacked, What you need to do

last pass was hacked what you need to do

Lastpass, the online password management company, has suffered repeated data breaches, the most recent as of March 1, 2023.

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Twitter Dealing with Media Issues

twitter dealing with media issues

Twitter dealt with several hours of severe issues where images and videos were not loading. Those problems appear to be resolved now.

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How Much Solid State Hard Drive Storage Will There Be By 2030?

how much solid state hard drive storage will there be by 2030

How much storage will there be on solid state hard drives in the year 2030? What about beyond 2030? Here's what we think.

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The Latest In Anti Viral Drugs

the latest in anti viral drugs

There are a variety of drugs that can be used to treat viruses, and more continue to be created each year. Here are some of the best ones.

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Nvidia CEO: A Million Times Better AI Is Coming

nvidia ceo a million times better ai is coming

Nvidia CEO, Jensen Huang, has touted ambitious plans that its AI will get a million times better in the future as the race for AI heats up among tech companies.

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Air Travel Is Getting Increasingly Safer

air travel is getting increasingly safer

Flying is getting much safer. Soon, there will be near 0 plane crashes as software and other improvements reduce the number.

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The Cost of Living Will Continue To Go Up: How Much by 2040?

the cost of living will continue to go up how much by 2040

The cost of living continues to go up, and it went up much faster the last few years. What will it cost to live in 2040, and how can you prepare?

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AI Running Politics and Government In the Future

ai running politics and government in the future

Will AI run politics and government functions in the future? I think there is a high likelihood of this, but it doesn't come without risks and things that could go wrong.

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Living to 150 Years Old - Is It Possible Right Now?

living to 150 years old is it possible right now

Is it possible to live to 150 years old right now? If not, how soon could this be expected?

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Passing the Turing Test - A Chat Bot Becoming Sentient

passing the turing test a chat bot becoming sentient

It is the year 2023 at the time of this article, and there are chatbots that seem smarter than the average human. Are we getting close to a sentient chatbot that can pass the Turing Test - being indistinguishable from a human?

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The 150 TWh of Lithium Needed For a Sutainable Energy Future

the 150 twh of lithium needed for a sutainable energy future

Lithium is an abundant mineral in the earth. However, about 150 TWh of it are needed for a sustainable energy future. How can this be achieved?

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Tesla Building a Plant in Mexico

tesla building a plant in mexico

Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador announced on Tuesday that Tesla has committed to building a major plant in Monterrey, Mexico's industrial hub in the north. The announcement followed phone calls the President had with Tesla CEO Elon Musk on Friday and Monday.

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Need a Companion Dog that Doesn't Shed or Need Food? Unitree Robots has you Covered.

need a companion dog that doesnt shed or need food unitree robots has you covered

Unitree has a robot dog that only weighs 12kg! This robot dog does not need to be fed and does not shed. The robot can do tricks and follow a person around.

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Rafael shows off video of counter-drone Typhoon weapon

rafael shows off video of counter drone typhoon weapon

Israel's Rafael Advanced Defense Systems has released footage of its Typhoon remote controlled weapons station, which is capable of downing small drones. The demonstration was conducted last month ahead of the International Defense Exhibition and Conference (IDEX) and the Naval Defense Exhibition (NAVDEX) in the United Arab Emirates. The Typhoon Mk-30c and the 25mm Typhoon variant are in service with several navies around the world, including the US Navy. However, the new counter-drone capability adds to the types of missions the gun can perform.

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Redefining Our Understanding of Consciousness: Insights from ChatGPT and Advanced AI

redefining our understanding of consciousness insights from chatgpt and advanced ai

The rapid advancement of AI technology has led to the emergence of ChatGPT, which is capable of mimicking human interaction to the point that it raises the question of whether it has consciousness. While the consensus is that ChatGPT is not alive in the traditional sense, the definition of consciousness in the age of AI has become a topic of debate.

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Windows 12 to be Powered by AI

windows 12 to be powered by ai

There are reports that both Intel and Microsoft are preparing for the release of Windows 12, an as-yet-unannounced operating system. Hardware leaker @leaf_hobby has published details about Intel's Meteor Lake desktop platform, which reportedly mentions internally that its next-generation CPUs will support Windows 12.

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CEO Pay Inequality Is At Breaking Levels

ceo pay inequality is at breaking levels

CEO pay compared to employee pay, especially with stock options, is drastically unequal. Do CEO's deserve to be paid as much as they are, and should rules be put in place to remedy this inequality?

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A Virus That Could Destroy Humanity

a virus that could destroy humanity

Could there be a virus that comes that could destroy humanity? So far, no virus like this exists and I'll explain why no virus in the future will end humanity. It could cause a lot of suffering, but it won't end humanity.

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New Phone Link App Feature Allows PC Users to Access iMessage through Microsoft

new phone link app feature allows pc users to access imessage through microsoft

Microsoft has announced that its Phone Link app will now allow iPhone users to access iMessage on their Windows laptops or PCs. The update will enable iPhone users to send and receive messages via iMessage, make and receive calls, and view their phone's notifications within Windows 11. The preview of the updated app is available for Windows Insiders.

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Wealth Inequality - Why It's a Problem and What Can Be Done

wealth inequality why its a problem and what can be done

Wealth inequality is a big problem in the world today. Currency, assets, and wealth are in the hands of a minority of people in the world. This causes suffering for those who don't have wealth in order to access health care, resources, and ways to thrive in life.

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There Will Be Three AIs That Become Self Aware

there will be three ais that become self aware

Elon Musk is reported to be getting into the AI game, along with Google and Microsoft, creating a 3-way race and differentiation in AI. I believe there will be three AIs that emerge in the future and think this is what they will be.

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Learn Coding As a Second Language

learn coding as a second language

It's important to learn to code as another language beyond the primary language you speak. The language of computers is the language of the future.

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Ocean Waste is still a Huge Problem in 2023 - But Tech is Playing an Important Cleanup Role

ocean waste is still a huge problem in 2023 but tech is playing an important cleanup role

Boyan Slat, the 28-year-old Dutch entrepreneur and founder of non-profit environmental organization The Ocean Cleanup, has been working on ways to filter plastic waste out of the Pacific Ocean for nearly 10 years. According to BBC News, he said the journey had been harder than he ever imagined it would be.

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Esther Crawford (Head of Twitter Blue) is Fired

esther crawford head of twitter blue is fired

Twitter’s product manager Esther Crawford is no longer working at the company after another wave of layoffs. Zoë Schiffer, a reporter for Platformer, was the first to report the news. Crawford was responsible for various projects at Twitter, including the Blue with verification subscription and the company’s upcoming payments platform.

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Deus Ex - Ahead Of Its Time - Predicted 9/11 Terrorist Attacks and Coronavirus Pandemic

deus ex ahead of its time predicted 911 terrorist attacks and coronavirus pandemic

The computer game, Deus Ex, was released on Jun 22, 2000. The graphics may be outdated, but the game is excellent and predicted events of the future like the 9/11 terrorist attacks and the Coronavirus pandemic.

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HMD Global, Nokia Phone Maker, Is Taking Some Manufacturing Over to Europe

hmd global nokia phone maker is taking some manufacturing over to europe

HMD Global is a manufacturer for Nokia, and it is taking some manufacturing over to Europe. Why are they doing this?

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There is a Massive Planet In Space - That Should NOT Exist

there is a massive planet in space that should not exist

There is a massive planet in outer space that should not exist - it defies our theories of planetary formation and orbits a quiet small star. Its name is TOI-5205b.

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Drug Resistant Stomach Bug Warning From CDC

drug resistant stomach bug warning from cdc

There is a drug resistant bacteria that the CDC is warning about - a stomach bug with the name of Shigella. Shigella infections, which are known as shigellosis, cause diarrhea that can be prolonged and bloody, along with fever and abdominal cramps.

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Risks of AI In the Future

risks of ai in the future

There are many risks with AI in the future, along with all the benefits that come with having super intelligence. Let's go over those risks now.

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Credit Card Fraud - How to Avoid It

credit card fraud how to avoid it

Having your credit card information stolen and used is one of the most annoying things to deal with. Let's discuss how to stop this from happening.

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Electrical Activity In a Single Brain Cell

electrical activity in a single brain cell

Researchers are discovering more and more about the human brain, and there has been electrical activity shown in a single brain cell and its effect on the body.

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"Magic" Mushroom Could Replace Plastic Parts For Electronics and Vehicles

magic mushroom could replace plastic parts for electronics and vehicles

There is a mushroom, the fungus Fomes fomentarius, that could be a replacement for plastic parts used in electronics, vehicles, and sports equipment. How would this work?

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Notion AI Generates Text From Scratch - Did It Generate This Article?

notion ai generates text from scratch did it generate this article

Notion is a note-taking app, and it now has AI features that will write text for you. Anyone can use this feature, but you will eventually have to pay for it. The company is pitching the feature as a though partner or buddy. Is this something that will be useful, and did I write this article using Notion? I'll tell you at the end.

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ChatGPT Alternatives to Consider, Reviewed and Described Simply

chatgpt alternatives to consider reviewed and described simply

ChatGPT is an AI-based chatbot that enables businesses and organizations to create virtual conversations with their customers. It is a powerful tool that offers users the ability to create natural-sounding conversations, save customer data, and provide product recommendations and customer support. However, there are a few alternatives that offer similar services and features. Well worth considering since ChatGPT is often at capacity these days.

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Microsoft Inks Deal With Nintendo - Call of Duty Coming to the Switch

microsoft inks deal with nintendo call of duty coming to the switch

Microsoft has inked a deal with Nintendo to have its games be available on the Nintendo platform. That means Call of Duty is coming to the Switch.

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Adaptive Neural Nets Could Be Found From the Roundworm's Nervous System

adaptive neural nets could be found from the roundworms nervous system

The parasitic roundworm, an infection causing fever and other complications, could hold a key to immensely faster neural networks, according to researchers. Here's how.

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The Cheapest Chromebooks to Use For Every Day Use

the cheapest chromebooks to use for every day use

Chromebooks are inexpensive laptops intended for everyday use such as surfing the Internet, doing word processing, or running simple applications. Here are the best Chromebooks, the price, and where to get them.

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Civilization VII Is Coming - Will It Improve On VI?

civilization vii is coming will it improve on vi

According to Heather Hazen, studio head of Firaxis Games, Civilization VII is under development. Will this latest version of the popular computer game improve on Civilization VI?

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Part of the Sun Just Broke Off

part of the sun just broke off

Part of the sun just broke off in a wild vortex explosion, and we have all the details.

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Tesla In Talks To Buy Sigma, a Lithium Mining Company

tesla in talks to buy sigma a lithium mining company

Tesla is reported to be in talks to buy Lithium mining company, Sigma. This will help Tesla meet the continued demand for its EVs (electric vehicles) and possibly to accelerate their production.

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The Future of Antibiotics - Developments and Bacterial Resistance

the future of antibiotics developments and bacterial resistance

Antibiotics have saved many lives, however, their misuse has also created antibiotic resistance. What is the future of them and resistant bacteria?

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Twitter To Move Away From SMS 2Factor Authentication - Costs Them $60 Million Per Year in Scams

twitter to move away from sms 2factor authentication costs them 60 million per year in scams

Twitter is moving away from 2-factor authentication using SMS, according to Elon Musk. He says Twitter loses $60 million per year due to being scammed with it.

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Price Targets for Bitcoin and Ethereum For 2030

price targets for bitcoin and ethereum for 2030

What will Bitcoin and Ethereum be worth in 2030? Will they still be used? Let's take a look.

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The World in 2030

the world in 2030

What will the world be like in 2030? Here are some predictions and things to prepare for.

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